Your Critical Journey Steps - What the Prophets Say! // Episode 88
What the Prophets Say!
Why is it so difficult to prophesy over people you know? And what steps do you need to take in your life journey? Join Emma Stark and Sam Robertson as they reflect on critical journey theory, how to walk this out in your life and why it’s important to take time to move beyond tasks into spiritual responsibility.
Up Next in What the Prophets Say!
The Gift of Failure - What the Prophe...
In this honest conversation, Emma Stark and Sam Robertson explore how failure can be a powerful teacher, revealing motivations and who we depend on. Failure is hard but we get to choose whether to receive it as a gift or allow it to cripple us. Which path will you take?
You've Been Taught By Demons - What t...
Alert - First glimpse into Emma’s new book, Prophets, Politics and Nations, in this episode! Join the prophets as they explore the shocking thought that we’ve been taught by demons, why God is destroying echo chambers and the role forgiveness plays in our lives.
How to Lead In Crisis - What the Prop...
In crisis, leaders need heart friends! Those who celebrate you, lift you up and stay with you in good days and bad days. Step into rich conversation as the team analyse the model Jesus and King David showed for close friendship plus what you need to know to lead in crisis and what God is saying o...