Power Hour!

Power Hour!

Now featuring over 200 hours of mind-blowing Spirit-filled videos! Power Hour is a power-filled hour of prophecy, wisdom, teaching, training and authentic conversation between three prophets. Featuring Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and various team members from the Global Prophetic Alliance HQ in Glasgow, Scotland.

Power Hour began in March 2020 during the UK's first coronavirus "lockdown" and the team has continued to broadcast nearly every week since. Watch live on Wednesdays at 5pm UK time or catch up on demand when you can!

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Power Hour!
  • EP 234 // Overcoming The Exhausting Season

    Are you exhausted? Join prophets Emma Stark, Louise Reid and Simon Braker as they share prophetic revelation on why this season of great change and transition can feel exhausting and how you are called to respond.

  • EP 233 // The Holy Spirit Matters

    We are in days to where we must rediscover Holy Spirit life and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. New tongues, fresh prophetic revelation, heavenly encounters and wild worship! Join Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and Carys Rimmer to hear the word of the Lord for this season.

  • EP 232 // Sceptre Wars

    In days of great change, the question comes forth "who will rule?". As nations rage and world powers crumble, the Ecclesia must arise with a cry for God as King to descend with His throne and His Kingdom. These are Revelation 22:17 days; "The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!”". Join Emma, Sam and...

  • EP 231 // This Far and No Further

    God is renewing your call to be a spiritual warrior to take down strongholds and to overthrow principalities. Join prophets Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and Ruth Weller for cutting edge prophetic revelation from God as they discuss what it takes to rule and reign in the spirit realm and how you can ...

  • EP 230 // Freedom Sound

    There is a rhythm and a sound of freedom that God is releasing through His people. He is the God of sound and His throne room is filled with noisy adoration and worship. Tune into the sound of freedom which will change how you fight and overcome.

  • EP 229 // Sex, Splitting The Church?

    As a group representing 75% of the worldwide Anglican church reject the Church of England's decision to allow the blessing of same-sex marriage, the Power Hour team of prophets take a prophetic look at the issues around this divisive topic.

  • EP 228 // New Wine Communities

    Are you asking big questions like "should I stay in this church?", or "should I leave this church"? In this key episode of prophetic insight, join prophets Emma Stark and Sam Robertson as they discuss new wine churches, how to navigate friendships and what big decisions you need to make in the ne...

  • EP 227 // Spirit Of Elijah

    Want to know the prophetic word for today? Join prophets Emma Stark and Sam Robertson as they share key revelation you need to know for the season ahead including what the spirit of Elijah is and how it applies to you.

  • EP 226 // Fasting Kills Demons

    You are called to destroy demons and fasting is one of the keys God is giving you to triumph in spiritual warfare! Join prophets Ruth, Katrina and Carys to learn how to defeat demons with fasting and be equipped to be the spiritual warrior God has called you to be.

  • EP 225 // Deliverance Power In 2023

    Want to know how to cast out demons? There is deliverance power for you to lay hold of. God is calling you to get liberated personally AND to free others. You will be a steward of chain-break capacity as God releases deliverance into the earth. Join prophets Katrina, Ruth and Simon for this power...

  • EP 224 // Seeing Kingdom Hope

    War is coming - worldly kingdoms are being shaken, thrones at war with other thrones and the need for believers to see in the spirit realm is now essential. Join prophets Emma Stark and Sam Robertson as they share how God is going to give you fresh capability to see in the spirit in order to see ...

  • EP 223 // Power Building

    You are about to receive a new capability to build with the power of God. God is saying "You will LEAD! You will take responsibility, you will have influence, and you will build!" Join prophtets Emma Stark and Sam Roberston for another powerful hour of prophecy, teaching and encouragement!

  • EP 222 // Occupy In 2023

    God is decreeing over His people that it is a day to OCCUPY! Join the Power Hour team of prophets as they share prophetic insight on how to occupy and what heart attitudes do you need to develop. This is a time to thrive in a year that will carry great glory and great shaking.

  • EP 221 // Supersize Your Capacity

    In days of war, you need to start to pray "God, supersize my capacity!" Join prophets Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and Louise Reid for prophetic intel on how to upgrading your leadership capacity to navigate the season we are living in.

  • EP 220 // Death In The House Of God

    How does God deal with His people in times of shaking and testing? How must we live in response to God's justice and righteousness? In the lives of Ananias and Sapphira, we learn about the consequences of lying and withholding. Join the prophets for prophetic insight through this story on how we ...

  • EP 219 // Praying In The Spirit

    God is calling you to SEE in the spirit then to DECREE! Join the prophets as they equip you to be a warrior who fights with weapons that do not belong to this world. Your assignment is to pray in the spirit to destroy the works of darkness and release God's Kingdom. Tune in to find out how!

  • EP 218 // Being In The Spirit

    Do you long to see in the spirit? Join the Power Hour prophets as they share prophecy on the realms of the spirit that God wants to take you into, not just for an encounter but to live from. Are you ready to learn what it is to live from being in the spirit? It is happening and it is happening NOW!

  • EP 217 // The Absalom Spirit

    Join the prophets for prophetic wisdom on how to navigate a season where change and share is everywhere. In order to thrive in days of change, you must develop the discipline of keeping short accounts with God and with others. This keeps you free and on time!

  • EP 216 // Short Accounts

    Learn how to be free and on time as the prophet share prophetic insight on how to navigate a fast changing season. Your prophetic word for today is to develop the discipline of keeping short accounts with God and with others!

  • EP 215 // Why Worship

    Do you feel the Lord inviting you into a deeper revelation of His majesty and splendor? Get ready to be marked by wild, authentic, bold and radical worship as the prophets prophesy the word of the Lord and receive top tips for partnering with God in the process.

  • EP 214 // Demonstrations of Power

    In this prophetic broadcast, the prophets prophesy how God is getting ready to demonstrate His power through, in and on you in a season of displacement and movement. If you are feeling displaced and internally scattered, this is for you!

  • EP 213 // Leaders - Step Up! Pt.3

    We are in days of great change and God is speaking to His leaders and saying "now it is time to STEP UP!". As empire dies, monarchy shifts, governments and thrones decline, how must we respond as the Church to assume our place of leadership and ruling and reigning? Join Sam, Deb and Katrina as th...

  • EP 212 // Leaders - Step Up! Pt.2

    We are in days of great change and God is speaking to His leaders and saying "now it is time to STEP UP!". As empire dies, monarchy shifts, governments and thrones decline, how must we respond as the Church to assume our place of leadership and ruling and reigning? Join Emma, Sam and Katrina as t...

  • EP 211 // Leaders - Step Up! Pt.1

    We are in days of great change and God is speaking to His leaders and saying "now it is time to STEP UP!". As empire dies, monarchy shifts, governments and thrones decline, how must we respond as the Church to assume our place of leadership and ruling and reigning? Join Emma, Sam and Ruth as they...