Power Hour!

Power Hour!

Now featuring over 200 hours of mind-blowing Spirit-filled videos! Power Hour is a power-filled hour of prophecy, wisdom, teaching, training and authentic conversation between three prophets. Featuring Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and various team members from the Global Prophetic Alliance HQ in Glasgow, Scotland.

Power Hour began in March 2020 during the UK's first coronavirus "lockdown" and the team has continued to broadcast nearly every week since. Watch live on Wednesdays at 5pm UK time or catch up on demand when you can!

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Power Hour!
  • EP 296 // Turnaround God!

    The prophets are back and are burning with fresh revelation that you NEED to hear this summer. Join us for an hour of powerful prophecy and direction that will move you FORWARD.

  • EP 71 // Digital Church - What You Need to Know!

    The Church needs to be where the people are and that includes online! We are moving into an online awakening, get equipped with prophetic insight for the digital age of the Church.

  • EP 117 // What's God Saying?

    It's a feast of prophetic words, encouragement and insights from the prophets as they share revelation on subjects as diverse as social media and rest.

  • EP 210 // The Burning Season

    God is saying to His prophets that He is burning His people so that they can emerge as the pure and spotless bride. In an intense season, join Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and Simon Braker as they prophesy how everything that can be burned is being burned.

  • EP 295 // Ask Us Anything

    Join David and Emma Stark for a special episode where they answer your burning questions! Testing prophetic words, people dropping dead like Annanias, walking out miracles and more, your questions were brilliant and wide ranging. Grab your favourite beverage, lean in and join the conversation.

  • Ep 294 // New Spirit Realms Are Open!

    New spirit realms are open! Join the prophets to hear how the Lord is bringing a greater seeing in the spirit to the body of Christ: to see what He is doing, partner with it and prophesy it out. God is opening up sight for you today! Don't miss this powerful prophetic word.

  • EP 293 // Death to Yesterday

    We are pressing forward to the future; it's time to say goodbye to yesterday! It is no more! Join the prophets as they prophesy into the future of the church and what we need to let die!

  • EP 292 // Freedom from Jezebel!

    Join the prophets to cast out demons! We're getting rid of Jezebel's influence in your life and replacing with the truth and freedom of Jesus' Lordship. It's transformation time!

  • EP 291 // Be led to lead!

    If you are a leader, in a wilderness season or called to be a trailblazer, join the prophets as they share powerful prophetic words on what God is saying! From how to exit a wilderness season to what to do if you are a new leader, don't miss this episode as Sam Robertson, Louise Reid and Carys Ri...

  • EP 290 // Live Deliverance - Break The Spirit of Intimidation

    If you feel called to pioneer or have suffered intimidation, join the prophets for MASS DELIVERANCE live from our Prophetic Warrior 101 school! Emma Stark, Sam Robertson, Carys Rimmer and the GPA prophets break off the spirit of bondage and release you into the fullness of your pioneering call.

  • Ep 289 // Church in the Graveyard!?

    Is the church among the graveyard? Are we seeing the fullness of life in our churches? Let's ask the question with the power hour team Emma Stark, David Stark and special guest Larry Sparks.

  • EP 288 // Disruptive Prophecy!

    The word of the Lord DISRUPTS, and shakes what will be shaken. Join the Power Hour team of prophets as they share prophetic revelation and what to do when the word of the Lord shakes things up!

  • EP 287 // National Words: Are they worth it?

    What is the point of prophesying over nations? Join prophets Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and Louise Reid as they discuss a prophet's role in nations, what impact looks like and whether or not national words are worth it.

  • EP 286 // The Prophet-less Church

    Are we still a prophet-less church? Join prophets Emma Stark, Sam Robertson, Louise Reid, Jennifer O'Brien and apostle Nigel Reid as they wrestle with why the church has resisted the prophetic movement, and how we might understand God's plan for His church and bride.

  • EP 285 // Prophetic Consequences

    What happens when prophetic words with heavy consequences come to pass? Join prophets Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and David Stark as they wrestle with why God is cross with prophets, how to respond when prophetic words come to pass and what ecstatic prophecy is. It's a big one!

  • EP 284 // Wildness in the Church

    Are we the wildest we can be as a church? What does true liberated and undignified Holy Spirit manifestation look like in our churches? Join the Power Hour team as they discuss!

  • Ep 283 // Reordering the Church

    Join Emma, David, Louise and Nigel as they discuss how the church needs to reform and take a new shape and reorder its priorities in the days of crises.

  • EP 282 // Deliverance need to know

    In this interactive episode, learn top tips on how to cast out demons and key things you need to know about deliverance. From undeserved curses to can Christians be possessed, prophets Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and Louise Reid are here to answer your deliverance questions.

  • EP 281 // Freedom from Freemasonry

    Do you want to be free from freemasonry and cast out demons? Join the prophets Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and Louise Reid for a powerful episode of practical teaching and deliverance as the team walk you through how to cast out demons of freemasonry and warfare on your behalf. This is a liberation...

  • EP 280 // You're Not Yet Free

    What will kill democracy? Join prophet Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and Hannah Graham as they prophesy what God is saying about your freedom, national freedom and why we're not free yet! There is a TOTAL measure of freedom available to us, but have we stepped into it as believers? Or are we still ho...

  • EP 279 // Provoking Demons

    Join the prophets to learn how to cast out demons and own your leadership call! The Power Hour prophets share practical training on deliverance, dealing with demons and how to set people free with the name of Jesus. Join us to learn how to be a deliverance warrior!

  • EP 278 // Healing Power

    God is showing up in HEALING POWER! If you need a healing miracle then you need to join the prophets for this power filled episode!

  • EP 277 // Wrestling with God

    What is God saying to you today? Join the Power Hour team of prophets for the prophetic word for today as we sit in the revelation of Heaven over the earth right now, and agree with the plans of the Kingdom of God!

  • EP 276 // Exposing Self-Sabotage

    The Power Hour team are going after the spirit of sabotage this week, and exposing the assignment of the enemy against the people of God to hold them back from fullness in their destiny. Join us this for an hour of breakthrough and freedom!