Power Church
The Last of the Last Days Part 2 | Sunday 22 October 2023 with Pastor John
Episode 9
2h 10m
Join Emma Stark and the GPA hub here in Glasgow for our Power Church gathering! Expect worship, fellowship with your online church family, and a fiery word from Emma Stark asking the question: are we spirit led, or are we led by other things? It's going to be so so good. We look forward to welcoming you global family!
Subscribe to our channel to see when we go live: https://bit.ly/3xHCrzK
Each week we livestream our weekly POWER CHURCH worship service here on this channel: times may vary, but will always be UK TIME. If you are planning to attend in person, head to our website: https://www.propheticalliance.com/power-church
*Find the live broadcast time in your nation at: https://bit.ly/3iDHtJw
Be a part of what God is going in Scotland and sow into our GPA Headquarters Building that will be a home for the prophets and a power-filled broadcasting and training centre to equip the saints around the world!
Please consider making a gift to our non-profit charity as we build, so that we can offer even more resources like these by making a one-off or regular gift offering. To donate, please visit: https://www.propheticscots.com/give
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