Power Hour!

Power Hour!

Now featuring over 200 hours of mind-blowing Spirit-filled videos! Power Hour is a power-filled hour of prophecy, wisdom, teaching, training and authentic conversation between three prophets. Featuring Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and various team members from the Global Prophetic Alliance HQ in Glasgow, Scotland.

Power Hour began in March 2020 during the UK's first coronavirus "lockdown" and the team has continued to broadcast nearly every week since. Watch live on Wednesdays at 5pm UK time or catch up on demand when you can!

Power Hour!
  • EP 126 // Where Do I Have Authority? Pt.3

    In Part 3, the prophets tackle questions such as, 'What is my authority?', 'What are satan's four levels of hierarchy?', 'Can I command demons?' and 'How do I stay safe during spiritual warfare?'

  • EP 125 // What's In a Name?

    The GPA team of prophets discuss the names and titles of God, especially that most powerful of names - Jesus Christ.

  • EP 124 // Where Do I Have Authority? Pt.2

    What does it mean to not venture beyond our God-assigned 'metron' when engaged in spiritual warfare? It's an exciting episode with the prophets as they explore the authority you have in the name of Jesus.

  • EP 123 // Where Do I Have Authority? Pt.1

    The first in a three episode series, join the GPA prophets for a thought provoking exploration of authority, God-assigned metron and spiritual warfare. Get ready to get equipped!

  • EP 122 // Going to War Against Civil War

    Step into prophecy as the GPA team of prophets take a prophetic look at issues of unity between nations and within nations. How do we celebrate our differences and end what seems like a downward spiral of polarisation, suspicion of each other, hate and civil war thinking?

  • EP 121 // Prophets, Not Parrots!

    Happy New Year! The Power Hour team of prophets are back and ready to prophesy what God is saying for the year ahead.

  • EP 120 // What's God Saying in 2021?

    What's God saying for 2021? Tune in to hear the prophets share a prophetic word on what to expect in 2021, and how you can prepare for the year ahead.

  • EP 119 // What Prophets Love About Christmas

    Prophet Emma Stark and team share a prophetic word on the coming year, reflect on 2020 and discuss their favourite aspects of the Biblical story of Christmas - the miraculous virgin birth of Jesus Christ.

  • EP 118 // Mysteries!

    Dive deep into what the Bible tells us about mysteries such as trances, visions, ecstatic prophecies, third-heaven encounters and much more. The mystics in church history have always been controversial... so join the prophets for what promises to be a fascinating episode!

  • EP 117 // What's God Saying?

    It's a feast of prophetic words, encouragement and insights from the prophets as they share revelation on subjects as diverse as social media and rest.

  • EP 116 // Persecution of the Church

    Join Emma, Sam and Nate as they discuss persecution of the church.

  • EP 115 // Civil Disobedience?

    Emma, Luke and Pastor John take a Biblical look at what a Christian's response should be when we disagree with our rulers and civil authorities - to obey, or not to obey, that is the question!

  • EP 114 // Prophets On Their Knees

    It's the time for heaven to open, for seers to arise and for you to grasp with both hands the ability to see in the spirit. Join the prophets for weighty prophetic revelation for prophets, and the prophetic revelation.

  • EP 113 // Beware Witchcraft

    The prophets share what God is saying for 2021, what we need to do to receive His word and how we can be fruitful in the year to come.

  • EP 112 // New Leadership

    What does leadership look like in this "new wine" era? The team discuss best leadership practices and cultures and ask, "What can we expect from our leaders?"

  • EP 111 // The Day of the Trustworthy Pioneer

    The prophets share prophetic words from the Lord that they have been hearing in recent days and consider trustworthiness.

  • EP 110 // Your Freedom - Delivered!

    Time for freedom and deliverance, as the team go to war over areas of demonic bondage in your life. If you're been feeling oppressed or in chains, this is time for you to be set free by the power of Jesus Christ!

  • EP 109 // Grateful Hearts

    Join the prophets as discuss the importance of gratitude.

  • EP 108 // Idolatry Pt.2

    The team continue their prophetic look at the issue of idolatry and the need for us to repent regularly for idolatry in our own lives, in the church and in our nations.

  • EP 107 // Idolatry Pt. 1

    What do we idolise in our life? God does not allow any other gods before Him, and the prophets are calling us into repentance and awareness of where we have turned worldly things into idols.

  • EP 106 // Friendship with Jesus

    Jesus is calling you into friendship and encounter with Him. Join the prophets for a beautiful exploration into the precious invitation to be a friend of Jesus.

  • EP 105 // What's Jesus Saying to His Church?

    Time for our favourite activity - prophecy! The prophets are back to share prophetic revelation from Jesus and His message to the Church.

  • EP 104 // Good Leadership

    What does good leadership look like and how can we walk out the Biblical model to the world? Stand in the soil of servanthood and be a leader who fears the Lord, as the team delve into Scripture on leadership.

  • EP 103 // The Joys & The Pitfalls of the Prophet

    What's it like to be a prophet? Lean in for authentic conversation on the journey of a prophet, personal stories and top tips for the call.