Power Hour!

Power Hour!

Now featuring over 200 hours of mind-blowing Spirit-filled videos! Power Hour is a power-filled hour of prophecy, wisdom, teaching, training and authentic conversation between three prophets. Featuring Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and various team members from the Global Prophetic Alliance HQ in Glasgow, Scotland.

Power Hour began in March 2020 during the UK's first coronavirus "lockdown" and the team has continued to broadcast nearly every week since. Watch live on Wednesdays at 5pm UK time or catch up on demand when you can!

Power Hour!
  • EP 198 // Nations Losing God's Favour

    How do nations fall out of favour with God? Is your nation behaving badly according to Biblical standards? In this season of great displacement, what does God's word say about how we treat refugees? Join Emma, Sam and Power Hour newcomer Louise Reid LIVE for another powerful hour of fresh prophet...

  • EP 197 // The Heart of the Matter

    The heart of the matter is a matter of the heart! It's time for another POWER HOUR and this week the team are going deeper into matters of the heart that were touched on last week. Join Sarah-Jane, Katrina and Power Hour newcomer Hannah Graham LIVE for another powerful hour of fresh prophetic wor...

  • EP 196 // Words of Prophecy

    If you have felt the pressing hand of God and encountered screaming moments, you need to listen to this episode of prophecy, prophetic revelation and freedom! Join the prophets Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and Deb Finch for another powerful hour of fresh prophetic words, spontaneous Holy Spirit reve...

  • EP 195 // Ask The Prophets Anything! Pt.2

    Do you have a burning question that you have been dying to ask a prophet? Our Power Hour team of prophets share prophetic revelation, top tips and what God is saying today in this bonus episode. From do you need to wear pyjamas for night time encounters with God to how to stop demonic harassment,...

  • EP 194 // World Harvest / World War

    In this serious season of world war and kingdom harvest, join the prophets Emma Stark, Sarah-Jane Biggart, Sam Robertson & Katrina Chase for prophecy on war and what God is saying about harvest. Want to know how to prepare for war? This episode is a must-see.

  • EP 193 // Ask The Prophets Anything Pt. 1

    Our team of prophets including Emma Stark, answer your questions on the prophetic, prophecy and more! From how to see in the spirit to what does headship look like in a marriage and even what do you do when you see in the spirit things that scare you, join the prophets for a fascinating episode o...

  • EP 192 // Prophecy, Deliverance, Love and War

    Prophets Sam Robertson, Sarah-Jane Biggart and Luke Finch share of fresh prophetic words on war, deliverance and the love of God. Join for spontaneous Holy Spirit revelation and new words that will liberate you and draw you closer to Jesus!

  • EP 191 // Big Prophetic Blowout!

    Join the Power Hour prophets Emma, Sarah-Jane Biggart and Katrina Chase as they prophesy the word of the Lord for Nigeria, China and the nations! What is God saying to His people - let's find out together in full on, big prophetic blowout episode.

  • EP 190 // Let's Talk About Love

    In the midst of wars and rumours of wars we need a love revolution. What is God saying about how we must love one another? Join the prophets Sam, Deb and Katrina for prophetic revelation, prophecy and more in Power Hour!

  • EP 189 // A Year of War?

    Prophets have been releasing prophecies on war, and this being a year of war. You may have even heard wars and rumours of wars on your media channels. What does this mean and how should we respond? Join the Power Hour prophets Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and Katrina Chase as they share what the Lor...

  • EP 188 // Are We An Embarrassment to God?

    Church, it is time to deal with our love of safety and control! Join prophets Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and Sarah-Jane Biggart as they ask, "Are We An Embarrassment to God?"

  • EP 187 // How to Survive 2022

    Join prophets Sam Robertson, Katrina Chase and Luke Finch for key prophetic revelation on what you need to know to get through your year. Get prepared for the next 12 months with vital prophetic insights!

  • EP 186 // Supply is Coming!

    Join the prophets including Emma Stark, as they prophesy over supply, taking authority for cities, and partnering with angels. Come into agreement with the Power Hour prophets as they intercede for your children, calling them into health and destiny. It's a power packed episode with revelation, B...

  • EP 185 // You Are Not JUST Sheep

    Join the prophets Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and Katrina Chase as they share fresh prophecy for your year in the first Power Hour broadcast of the new year. Expect lots of revelation, Bible teaching, wisdom and prophetic insights.

  • EP 184 // Wrapping Up 2021

    Join prophet Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and Sarah-Jane Biggart to learn how to end a year well with prophecy and prophetic revelation. What are the most significant word of the Lord from the last 12 months? What have we learnt - as individuals and as a church? Plus any other prophetic words that a...

  • EP 183 // Leading in This Season

    You are called to lead, whether you're young or old, with one follower or thousands. Join prophets Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and Luke Finch for prophecy over leading, strength and rest. Learn how to lead in crazy seasons of life, what God has to say about leaders and how to rest with God given st...

  • EP 182 // What Do The Prophets Say About Christmas?

    What Do The Prophets Say About Christmas? Join prophet Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and Katrina Chase as they take a look at the festive season from a Biblical perspective.

  • EP 181 // What God is Saying to His Prophets

    Join Emma Stark and team to hear What God is Saying to His Prophets? Sam, Sarah-Jane and Emma share what the Lord is saying from the recent gathering of prophets in the British Isles in this fresh episode.

  • EP 180 // Global Report

    What are the prophets around the world saying? Join prophets Emma Stark and Sam Robertson as they livestream from the USA and share the latest prophecy from their recent trip to the Global Prophetic Summit and Consultation in Dallas, USA.

  • EP 179 // How to Build

    Have you heard the call of God to build with Him? Join the prophets Sarah-Jane, Luke and Katrina for prophetic revelation on the plans for Kingdom building in this season and what the Holy Spirit is saying to the question, "How then shall we build?"

  • EP 178 // Revelation Is Vital

    Why is the gift of prophecy and the stewarding of prophetic revelation from God so vitally important at this time? What is God saying about prophecy and prophetic revelation to those who hear His voice? How is God going to work with His people in the months ahead? You'll get answers to these ques...

  • EP 177 // Is God Boxing Us?

    Do you feel like you have been in a boxing match with God? Join prophets Emma Stark, Sarah-Jane and Katrina for prophetic wisdom as they discuss why we hunger after things that are NOT God and how God is helping His people lose their idols. Why do we let ourselves get crippled by our idolatry?

  • EP 176 // Satan's "Kingdom"

    Are we blurring the boundaries between what is of the Kingdom of God and what is of the kingdoms of this world? What is satan's "kingdom" - where does he rule and have authority? Can we even define what is the Kingdom of God? As believers in the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven and the utlimate...

  • EP 175 // Present Truth

    What "present truths" do we need to know and be aware of to help us navigate the season? What is God saying to us that we must be seat-belted and secured into? What fundamental truths do we need to know right now? Join Sam, Sarah-Jane and Katrina for POWER HOUR !