British Isles Council of Prophets
The British Isles Council of Prophets was formed in 2019 as a relational network of prophetic voices in Great Britain, Northern Ireland and Ireland.
The Council is Led by Emma Stark, David Stark, Simon Braker, Louise Reid, Rebecca King and Adele Richads. Members and Advisors Include Dr Sharon Stone, Rachel Hickson, Tobi Arayomi, Helen Azer, Simon Baddeley, Sarah-Jane Biggart, Mark Birch-Machin, Rebecca Briggs, Melanie Brooks, Hellie Brunt, Carol Canter, Rob Cates, Dylis Chi, Claire Harrison, Autumn Hunt, Preethy Kurian, Chris Larkin, Satoko Li, Lora-Beth Malloy, Irène Nlandu, Moses Rankin, Sam Robertson, Marj Rossol, Phil Sanderson, Sue Sinclair, David Vincent, Sarah Wren, Liz Wright.
EP 370 // BICP Conversations
Join prophets Phil Sanderson, Mark Birch-Machin and Carol Canter for 30 minutes of Conversation where the fresh word of the Lord is discussed for you, for the church and for the nations.
EP 369 // BICP Conversations
Join prophets Phil Sanderson, Preethy Kurian and Kevin McStay for 30 minutes of Conversation where the fresh word of the Lord is discussed for you, for the church and for the nations.
EP 368 // BICP Conversations
Join Adele Richards, Lora-Beth Malloy and Simon Baddeley for 30 minutes of Conversation where the fresh word of the Lord is discussed for you, for the church and for the nations.
EP 6 // World War Three Prophecy
The prophets prophesy over nations including America, Taiwan, Poland, the UK, and more in this exciting episode. As we feel the birth pains of an extended season of war, join to hear what God is saying about if there will be a World War Three, how you can prepare for your next season and the bill...
EP 367 // BICP Conversations
Join Chris Larkin, Sarah Wren and Sarah Jackson for 30 minutes of Conversation where the fresh word of the Lord is discussed for you, for the church and for the nations.
EP 5 // Babel 2.0
Are we living in the days of Babel 2.0? The team are back to wrestle with the big questions including what historic sins exist within the charismatic church, how to avoid accidental Ishmael partnerships plus what it means to truly partner with God in new things. Join Emma Stark, Simon Braker, Phi...
EP 4 // How Does Five-Fold Ministry Work?
God is giving gifts to the five fold ministry! But how does five-fold ministry work and what does it mean for you? Emma Stark, Phil Sanderson, Louise Reid, Adele Richards and Simon Braker discuss teams of apostles, who the Ecclesia are and how we are in the era of the Ecclesia.
EP 366 // BICP Conversations
British Isles Council of Prophets - Conversations.
EP 365 // BICP Conversations
British Isles Council of Prophets - Conversations.
EP 3 // Prophecy and Politics
It's a big episode where we discover what to do with prophecy on politics, what it means for faith to be politicised and whether nations can repent. Filled with Biblical revelation and prophetic wisdom, join Emma Stark, Simon Braker, Louise Reid, Adele Richards and Phil Sanderson.
EP 364 // BICP Conversations
British Isles Council of Prophets - Conversations with Adele Richards, Preethy Kurian and Jennifer O'Brien
EP 363 // BICP Conversations
British Isles Council of Prophets - Conversations.
EP 2 // False Prophets and Pure Prophets
Politics, false prophets and loving the Kingdom more than our own nation - get ready to be stretched! Join Emma Stark, Simon Braker, Phil Sanderson, Louise Reid and Adele Richards as they wrestle what it means to be a purified prophet and the burning cost that comes with it. You don't want to mis...
EP 362 // BICP Conversations
British Isles Council of Prophets - Conversations.
EP 361 // BICP Conversations
Join Louise Reid, Adele Richards and Sarah Jackson has they share a word from the Lord.
EP 1 // A Prophet’s Role
What does a prophet do? Join Emma Stark, Simon Braker, Louise Reid, Adele Richards and Phil Sanderson as they tackle the big questions. If you’ve ever had questions about prophets, this episode is for you!
Learn how to get the best out of prophets, what God is saying today for the nations and be...
EP 360 // BICP Conversations
British Isles Council of Prophets - Conversations.
EP 359 // BICP Conversations
Join Phil Sanderson, Liz Wright and Hannah Graham for 30 minutes of Conversation where the fresh word of the Lord is discussed for you, for the church and for the nations.
EP 358 // BICP Conversations
Join Louise Reid, Hellie Brunt and Kevin McStay for 30 minutes of Conversation where the fresh word of the Lord is discussed for you, for the church and for the nations.
Join leading voices from the British Isles Council of Prophets Phil, Chris and Lora-Beth as part of a 4 instalment series on the word of the Lord for 2024 to release revelation on the year ahead and to equip the church with essential prophetic insight.
Join leading voices from the British Isles Council of Prophets Phil, Claire, Jennifer and Kevin as part of a 4 instalment series on the word of the Lord for 2024 to release revelation on the year ahead and to equip the church with essential prophetic insight.
Join leading voices from the British Isles Council of Prophets Louise, Sarah and Mark as part of a 4 instalment series on the word of the Lord for 2024 to release revelation on the year ahead and to equip the church with essential prophetic insight.
Join leading voices from the British Isles Council of Prophets Simon, Sam and Carol as part of a 4 instalment series on the word of the Lord for 2024 to release revelation on the year ahead and to equip the church with essential prophetic insight.
EP 357 // BICP Conversations
British Isles Council of Prophets - Conversations.